Russian – English Translation
Kazakh – English Translation
The main aim is realization of education directed to the preparation of high quality specialists possessing practical skills and leadership qualities by means of using innovative educational technologies and training achievement-oriented translators/ interpreters

Among the general, professional and special competences are:
- to be able to do a library and network research;
- to be able to interpret information and analyze it;
- to be able to participate in intercultural communication and interpersonal contacts with representatives of different language cultures in various communicative situations that interact in the process of translation;
- to be able to apply systems of national and ethical values in the process of translation;
- to be able to prepare and process information to ensure еру practical activity of a translator.
Program structure

Modern history of Kazakhstan
Leadership in society and politics
Foreign language
Kazakh (Russian) language
Information and communication technologies
Basic business management training
Marketing and Branding
Basic foreign language
Practical phonetics
Practical grammar 1
Physical education
Developing ideas and launching projects
Training practice
Vital Security
Professional Kazakh (Russian) language
Business law
Economic justification for “Start up” projects
Environmental management
The Basics of the theory of studied language
Theory of Translation
Modern English language
Academic Writing
Basic foreign language in context of intercultural communications
Practice of oral and written speech 1
Practical grammar 2
Business Foreign Language
Physical education
Training practice
Fundamentals of professional activity of an interpreter
Theory and Practice of Intercultural Communication
Professionally Oriented Foreign Language
Third foreign language А1, А2
Practice of oral and written speech 2
Practice of oral and written speech 3
Practice of written translation
Audiovisual course of the main foreign language
Practice of informative translation
Translation technique
Stylistics of the basic foreign language
Country Studies
Industrial internship
Specialized professional foreign language
Practice of oral translation
Literature of a Studied Language and problems of literary translation
Linguistic translation of text
Basics of Scientific Research in Linguistics
Foreign language (third)В1
Methods of teaching a foreign language
Research internship
Contact information

Address: Lomov street 64, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan

Web site:

Admission committee:
International office:
Tel. +7(7182) 673773, 673774, +77073673773