Russian and Kazakh Languages | Russian and German Languages | Russian and French Languages | Russian and Chinese Languages | Kazakh and Russian Languages | Kazakh and German Languages | Kazakh and French Languages | Kazakh and Chinese Languages
The main aim is formation of specialists who have the mastery of a foreign language on the level which is accepted by the international community and which meets the requirements of the society.

Among the general, professional and special competences are:
- to know the specificity of communication as a special type of activity;
- to understand the essence of “intercultural communication” and its main types;
- to be able to use various forms of communicative-speech activity (oral, written and extra-linguistic);
- to be able to use the language material in all types of communicative-speech activity;
- to be able to represent one’s country and culture in conditions of a “two-cultures dialogue”.
Program structure

Modern History of Kazakhstan
Second foreign language
Kazakh (Russian) language
Information and communication technologies
Psychology and human Development
Basic English language
Psychology of the leadership
Leadership in society and politics
Marketing and Branding
Practical grammar 1
Practice of oral and written speech 1
Classical language
Physical education
Developing ideas and launching projects
Vital Security
Business law
Basic business management training
Economic justification for “Start up” projects
Environmental management
Professional Kazakh (Russian) language
Basic foreign language in context of intercultural communications
Second foreign language
Second foreign language
Foreign Language Education Methods
Theory and methods of educational work
Practical grammar 2
Practice of oral and written speech 2
Internship 2
Physical education
Professionally Oriented Foreign Language
Second foreign language
Theoretical grammar and phonetics
Lexicology and Stylistics
Practice of oral and written speech 3
Practice of oral and written speech 4
Country Studies
Specialized professional foreign language
Reviewing of newspaper text
Third foreign language А1, А2
General linguistics
Industrial (pedagogical) internship
Third foreign language B1
Interpretation of the literary text (English)
History and literature of the country of the studied language
Foreign Language for Academic Purposes
Business Foreign Language
Practice of oral and written speech 5
Research internship
Contact information

Address: Lomov street 64, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan

Web site:

Admission committee:
International office:
Tel. +7(7182) 673773, 673774, +77073673773